Monday, August 31, 2020

Belajar dari Pak Entis : Harga Sebuah Konsistensi

Harga Sebuah Konsistensi

Dalam kehidupan sehari-hari ada orang yang begitu mudah diingat oleh orang lain dan ada yang tidak. Istilah saya adalah orang yang dari kesan pertama sudah menggoda dan orang yang mudah dilupakan begitu saja. 

Untuk hal ini saya mengalaminya sendiri. Waktu masuk ITB,  karena hanya bertiga dari SMA saya yang diterima, maka otomatis kami adalah new legal alien di kota kembang ini. 

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Perbedaan Aim, Goal, Target, Objective dan Purpose

Kadang-kadang suka bingung membedakan antara aim, goal, target, objective sama purpose.

Biar memudahkan saya kumpulkan dari cambrigde dictionary



a result that your plans or actions are intended to achieve:


- My main aim in life is to be a good husband and father.

- Our short-term aim is to deal with our current financial difficulties, but our long-term aim is to improve the company's profitability.

- The leaflet has been produced with the aim of increasing public awareness of the disease.



an aim or purpose:


- Our goal is for the country to be fully independent within two years.

- They have set themselves a series of goals to achieve by the end of the month.

- Do you think I'll be able to achieve my goal of losing five kilos before the summer?

Goals are an observable and measurable end result having one or more objectives to be achieved. Goals are typically broad in scope. For example, a goal might be for an organization to “increase profits”. Or an individual might have a goal to “become certified”.



a level or situation that you intend to achieve:


The government's target of 3.5 percent annual growth seems easily attainable.



something that you plan to do or achieve:


- Her main/prime objective now is simply to stay in power.

- Can the sales team achieve/meet its financial objectives?

Objectives are a specific result you’re trying to achieve within a time frame and with available resources. They’re considered more specific and easier to measure than a goal. Think of them as the steps you will take to achieve the goal. Using the examples above, a company’s objective might be to “Call all existing customers in Q3 with a special promotion to increase sales.”. For an individual, the objective might be to “Research all relevant HR certifications and register for the exam before the end of the year.”



why you do something or why something exists:


- The purpose of the research is to try to find out more about the causes of the disease.

- His only purpose in life seems to be to enjoy himself.

- Her main/primary purpose in suing the newspaper for libel was to clear her name.

- I came to Brighton for/with the express purpose of seeing you.

- Letters whose sole purpose is to make a political point will not be published.

- She had the operation entirely for cosmetic purposes.

- a multi-purpose kitchen knife

- I can see no useful purpose in continuing this conversation.

- All my efforts were to no purpose (= failed).

- He gave her a sum of money which she used to good purpose (= well).

Saturday, August 8, 2020

Bagaimana Agar Tulisan Enak DIbaca

Ada sebagian orang yang mempunyai masalah dengan menulis. Baik itu sulit untuk menuangkan ide menjadi tulisan atau bagaimana agar tulisan enak dibaca.

Kalau sulit untuk menulis, maka saran saya mulailah untuk menulis. Menulis apa saja.

Setelah menulis apa saja, maka masuk ke masalah yang kedua. Bagaimana agar tulisan enak dibaca.

Mengapa tulisan kita harus enak dibaca oleh siapa pun yang membacanya? Karena kalau enak dibaca maka ide atau pokok pikiran yang mau disampaikan diterima dengan mudah olehnya. Sehingga tidak ada informasi yang salah. Kita maunya ke kanan, yang membaca menangkapnya ke kanan. Bukan sebaliknya.